
Breathing Exercise for Energy and Vitality

Deep conscious breathing where you control the length of each inhalation and exhalation improves blood circulation, improves the lung capacity and brings more nutrients into your system. Breathing exercises have been part of many civilizations in history and they’re still being used in Far East and in the Mediterranean cultures to this very day. I […]

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3 Powerful Secrets to Attracting The Life You Want

Ever since the bestselling book, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne was released, the law of attraction has taken the world by storm. Everybody is talking about it and countless books have been released on this topic alone. Personally, it took me years to find the best method out there and I’m going to save you […]

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The Secrets Tricks of The Law of Attraction

Written by Glenn Bolton, MSc – Author of the Manifestation Masterkey System “Know thyself” – This famous saying was first inscribed on the Temple of Apollo in Delhi built over two thousand years ago. However, it is not easy to achieve full knowledge of oneself because human mind and thoughts are fluid and there are way […]

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Think Your Way To Full Prosperity

I’ve recently stumbled upon an article at NBC stating as many as 78% of American full time workers are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little to no emergency savings. And it’s taking its toll on health too. Even people who earn $100k per year say they’re living paycheck-to-paycheck, and 59 percent of people making that kind of money […]

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Difference Between Meditation and Concentration

Is there really a difference between concentration and meditation? They seem to be so much the same. I mean, how do we tell the difference between them realistically and how do we achieve them? Yes, there is a difference between the two, and it is significant. Concentration Concentration is the fixed attention of the mind upon […]

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Essentials of the Law of Attraction

“If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe” – Carl Sagan, astronomer The law of attraction (LOA) is based on belief that there is a universal power of abundance, capable of changing your life circumstances. All mainstream religions, contemporary spiritual and mental power systems are based around […]

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